Gillian & Mike: 7.25.12 – Hall of Springs


Mike is my best friend in the entire world. He’s is the first person with whom I want to share a laugh, tell a story or just talk. He loves me for me, ridiculousness and all. The greatest feeling is knowing I get to spend every day of the rest of my life with him. I am soooo lucky to have him in my life. 



It sounds like a cliché but Gillian is my best friend. I have been happy every day we have been together and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I love her because she is a loving and caring person even though she says she doesn’t have feelings. It was exciting to get married and I am so happy to be a family.



I am my parent’s child. I am so much like both of them, although I deny it in public. I have my mom’s style and views mixed with my dad’s humor and sarcasm.  While I don’t always take their advice I always ask for it and look to them for approval on everything. My parents wholeheartedly love Mike. So much so they willingly admit he is their favorite child. (I have two siblings as well) They love and support us 100% and it has helped us grow and improve as a couple. I look to my parents as role models for Mike’s and my future together.


Gillian and I are both very close with our families and were so excited to have so many loving family members at our wedding. I t meant a lotto meto have my Uncle Genaro come all the way from Mexico to be there. Family is important because it helps shape who we are. Not only was my Mom standing right outside the chuppah but my brothers and sister were all in the wedding party. I can’t wait to start my own family one day with Gillian.





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