Kathleen & Arun: 7.21.12 – Lake George Boat


One of the deepest experiences in life is to live one’s life intertwined with the life of another person, growing and changing and exploring the world as a team. Arun is one of the most deeply honest, compassionate and understanding people I have met. Marrying someone from another culture allowed me to shed all of the preconceived assumptions I had about how a husband should act and enter into a partnership where I would be forced to be honest with myself and with the other person. I adore my husband’s passion for rock climbing and his dedication and love for his family and friends.



Members of my family were my first and most important teachers. I learned self-reliance, citizenship, how to tell a joke and the importance of saving from my father. I learned about style from my grandmother. I saw courage and determination in my mother’s struggle with cancer. I learned that the human body can withstand great punishment and repair itself from watching my brother fall out of trees and off of horses, which has emboldened me in pursuing my love of long distance running. I also learned what it is to grieve from experiencing the deaths of my parents, which has given me great compassion for the suffering of others. Reuniting with my mother’s side of my family and having them present at my wedding was a special gift. Their love for me has helped me to more fully honor the memory of my mother and understand her role in my life.







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