It was the middle of one cool October night. We were two old friends, now college freshmen walking through the quad at Syracuse University. He turned to me and said “Laurie, I have something to tell you.” “OK” I replied. “I like you.” “I like you too, Noel.” Queue awkward first kiss. We have been inseparable ever since. Noel is my other half, my adventure partner and my best friend. I love him with all my heart and continue to love him more and more each day that we are together. I am beyond excited to be starting this new chapter of our lives together.
As some of you might know, I didn’t know Laurie’s name for the first six months of 10th grade math class. I had to eventually steal her homework to figure out who this girl was who would always talk to me before class. It is crazy to think that a girl I first met in high school would be my wife someday and I couldn’t be happier. Laurie has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. With her by my side, we have done amazing things and gotten through some really rough times as well. I love her more than anything in the world and know that I want to spend the rest of my life with her…hence, ya know, marriage.
I have been truly blessed with a large and loving family and many friends whom I would consider to be part of that family. Our wedding day was so special in that we had everyone who we love together in the same room. It was so much fun to see them all meet and mingle and become fast friends. The merging of our two families has been remarkably easy. We quickly found out that the Masons and the Paulis were meant to be together, with their same silly sense of humor and dedication to their children. I hope that one day Noel and I can be as good of parents as ours were to us.
Laurie and I have always had really strong ties with our families. We both feel that they have been a crucial part of shaping who we are and how we interact with others. Importantly, our families taught us both humor; a trait that has helped us through life in immeasurable ways. It is also humor that made it possible to get along so well together. Immediately after first meeting, the families were joking and poking fun at each other like they had known one another for years. We are so happy that our relationship has helped foster these new friendships and hope that they only grow stronger with time.
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